Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thank You (22-Dec-2008)

Yes I know it's been too long but life has been very busy of late. Not that I've stopped writing but the blogging has had to take a backseat to living. Fortunately for anyone who cares to read my stuff, living generates more intersting poetry than blogging! As I've said before, it's not often I create rhyming poems and when I do, it can take a while to work them out until I am happy with them. This is one of those rare ones that came out in finished form. I'll admit it is a little clumsy and probably could be polished, but it seemed wrong to change the words since they clearly wished to be expressed in this way.

Thank You

If I crawl the world over,
Searching day and night;
Probing every nook and crany
And try with all my might,
Never will I find someone
As right for me as you,
No one in all this vast expanse
Would love me like you do.

When life is hard and cold and mean
You simply hold me tight;
You touch my hair, caress my brow
And I know all will be all right.
So every day I hope and pray
That all you struggle through,
I can be there at your side
And do the same for you.

There isn't much I understand
And even less I truly know;
Each day I struggle with belief
My doubt a constant foe.
But in spite of all my inner flaws
And though I often seem adrift
You've offered all your love to me
And that's an awesome gift.