Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Nonesuch 2018 (Aug 28, 2018)

I've written several of these in my life and it's always fun to see what pops out. There's a few interesting references in here if you can find them. Enjoy.

Nonesuch 2018

To the tune of
"Diving Into The Wind"
By Journalism Ethics
There is a curious mantra
That's tough to understand
For withal there is much
That begs to differ
If I stand upon the shoulders of giants
Will I be able to sea the shore
Upon which my sister Sally
Sells pickled peppers
Or will there always be a way
Forward for the breeze to follow
Follow, Follow
It is 2018
Before a land fall
An average year
To fell a dove

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Living (Jun 19, 2018)

I tried to write this as a villanelle and then as a pantoum but this pleiades kept forcing its way out.


Life is ephemeral:
Lurking at every turn,
Leaking from every pore,
Longing to reach a home;
Liberating itself,
Lifting the spirit up,
Lasting beyond all hope.