Saturday, February 17, 2024

(Untitled Tanka) (Feb 14,2024)

This was my entry to the Frontier Poetry “(Not) In Love” Tanka Challenge contest. A friend asked for some input on his entry which prompted me to write my own.

groping heart holds on
to whatever severed head
must leave behind in
wake of bloody body with
no remorse for empty soul

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Redemption (Jan 3, 2024)

I originally titled this one "Republicans." But that seemed just a little too "on the nose" and the sentiment is certainly more timeless and is fit for reflection beyond our current political turmoil.


Rushing quickly down the
Rabbit-hole away from
Reality where no
Respite from the caustic
Resurgence of our hate
Reasonably can be
Recovered to save us