This is in response to the
Monday Mural at
Poefusion. The psychology reference was too strong for me to ignore.
Tea Rorschach by Jennifer Hines
He sits in the office, waiting.
Should he lie on the couch?
Will leaches be involved?
A nutpick and cracker
to find the meat of his wounds.
Should he be any more honest
than he is with himself?
Will it change the past;
Or even his perception of it?
Will it return to him
that which he has lost?
Can it change his desire
to have it back?
Will he forget?
Will he regret?
He sits in the office, waiting.
Should he be any more honest
than he is with himself?
me thinks he already knows the answers to all of those questions... he just doesn't feel ready to face the music.......
He knows he's done wrong so, why would he need therapy now? She's gone and he just has to decide how to move on. I say he needs to get off that couch and see where life will take him next. I love this line A nutpick and cracker
to find the meat of his wounds. Why is it that men always see they've messed up after the fact? Anyway, nice job. Have a nice night.
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