Thursday, January 31, 2008

Never Before and Never Again (22-Jan-2008)

Although I like the sentiment this poem expresses, I don't consider it very deep. This is another speed poem but it took a bit more time because I liked the way the last line of a stanza is the same as the first of the next. It was somewhat accidental on the first two stanzas but once I realized it, I had to slow down to work out the rest the same way.

I realize in retrospect that I probably should have worked it so the last line of the last stanza was the same as the first of the whole poem but it is too late. I am never one to "fix" my past work. Most of my poetry is a very "in the moment" thing and making changes after the moment has passed would be less than genunine.

You might also notice the lack of punctuation. I actually spend a lot of time on puncuating my poetry because I believe it helps the reader with reading flow. This one is intentionally unpuncutated...just so you know it was not accidental.

As indicated above, the meaning here is obvious. This is how I feel about my love.

Never Before and Never Again

Once in your life
If you are lucky
You meet someone

You meet someone
Someone like no other
Someone who touches you

Someone who touches you
They fill you with love
They hold your heart

They hold your heart
As you hold theirs
As you become one

As you become one
Savor the journey
Cling together always

Cling together always
Knowing that what you have
Cannot be repeated

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