Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Taxed (8-Apr-2008)

In case it isn't clear, this is not about the politics of taxation but the cost of relationships. It is another in my series of 26 Pleiades.


Tax my soul, take my heart;
Tax my hands, take my art;
Tax my eyes, take my sight;
Tax my wings, take my flight;
Tax my thoughts, take my mind;
Tax my seek, take my find;
Tax my love, turtle dove.


poefusion said...

Interesting twist you've presented with this pleiades. I like the way you started it with the same word throughout each beginning line but, ended it with a rhyme. Clever post.

The Phantom said...

Thank you...that decision was made necessary by being sadled with an odd number of lines which prevents ending with another rhyming couplet :-)

L said...

i enjoyed this.

paisley said...

you are having fun with this form... i can tell.. and you do deserve a bit of fun.....

qualcosa di bello said...

wow! 'tax my seek, take my find' is quite powerful...i like the rhythm of this & very much that last line!

The Phantom said...

I always appreciate the kind words. As with so much of my rhyming poetry the seek/find line was borne out of desperation to find a rhyme for thoughts/mind, a line which I wanted to keep because I liked it so much. But like you, I like the rhyme that I was forced into more. I suppose I should give a nod to the Beetles here because that was clearly somewhere in my mind while I was writing this.

Anonymous said...

nice flow ... I like the rhyme and the clever last line ... good piece

Gemma Wiseman said...

Immediately I thought of a duet where one comment is mirrored with another.

Works beautifully!


Jane Doe said...

This is wonderful! I really liked this piece. Great writing! Thanks for participating in Jane's Inspirations! Have a great Sunday!