Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Alone Again (29-Jun-1997)

Offered without comment except to say that although it was written over 10 years ago, it still means as much to me today.

Alone Again

I stand on a distant shore
And watch the boats pass.
I see people on the decks.
I put notes in bottles in the
hopes that someone may rescue me.
I have been marooned here long.
I wait in vain.

One day a boat comes ashore.
The boat is badly damaged
And the captain begs my help.
In exchange she offers to take
me from this place.
I can go home she says.
It is not far.

I know my little island.
I know how to find things here.
I use them to repair boats.
I can repair any boat except my own
for it has been damaged too long.
It sits at the bottom of the ocean.
The wood is rotten.

By day we repair her boat.
By night I tell her of my island.
She is kind and understanding.
She asks why no-one else has offered
to rescue me for my repairs.
"They have," I say.
She says, "I will."

The day has come.
Her boat is shiny and new.
It will weather many storms.
My repairs have made it seaworthy again
and it will not crash.
She stands on the deck.
I stand on the shore.

"I haven't any room," she says.
I say, "I know."
"I am sorry," she says.
I say, "I know."
"Someone will come for you," she lies.
I lie, "I know."
She leaves.

I stand on my distant shore
And watch the boats pass.
I see people in the water.
I repair boats in the
hopes that someone may rescue me.
I wait in vain.
I am alone again

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